Grace in the Wilderness – BR. FRANCIS DE SALES WAGNER OSB

Grace in the Wilderness – BR. FRANCIS DE SALES WAGNER OSB


Reflections on God’s Sustaining Word Along Life’s Journey

You are not alone. This is the promise of God’s Word. God is prepared to meet us in the midst of life’s struggles, journey with us, and lead us through the wilderness. This is grace in the wilderness, as the prophet Jeremiah wrote to give hope to the exiled Israelites. Written by Benedictine monk Br. Francis Wagner, the scriptural reflections presented in Grace in the Wilderness simply retell this story. The hope is that this book will help enhance readers’ own reflections on Scripture and its relation to their life, so that they may experience grace in the wilderness—the very presence of God.


Pauline Publications
Pages: 294
Illustrations: Black & White

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