Single, Married, Separated, And Life After Divorce – Myles Munroe

Single, Married, Separated, And Life After Divorce – Myles Munroe


Beginning by asserting that singleness is a gift, marriage should be entered into carefully, separation is a state of limbo and divorce is best defined as “desertion” Dr. Munroe offers hope and healing to those navigating the painful aftermath of broken relationships.

  • Singleness is a myth. To be single means to be all one (alone), separate, unique, and whole.
  • MARRIAGE is when two separate, unique, and whole persons (one male, one female) make a covenant to exchange vows, committing their lives to remain together until death.
  • Separation is an unofficial divorce with the exact same effect as divorce. It is the most tragic state of limbo.
  • Divorce means to desert. The armed forces prosecute deserters. God has made no provision for divorce in the Bible. If you are invited to a wedding, you are a covenant witness, and if this couple later divorces, you should be invited to the divorce just as you were to the wedding.


 Destiny Image
Pages: 140
149.86 x 226.06 x 15.24mm

SKU 9780768422023 Categories ,
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