What Did Jesus Say? : His Words on Today’s Topics Hardback English – Sally Glen, Catherine Martinsson

What Did Jesus Say? : His Words on Today’s Topics Hardback English – Sally Glen, Catherine Martinsson


A compilation of verses, parables, and teachings containing the sayings of Jesus organized by different themes; focusing on topics that are relevant today. A sample overview of the message of Christ, in a gift book format. Graphically designed to invoke a biblical era, using photos and art with a Bible-times theme.

Are the teachings of Jesus as relevant now in 21st-century society as they were on the shore of Galilee two millenniums ago? We believe that you will find that they not only stand the test of time―they are spirit and life. So What Did Jesus Say about humility, forgiveness, generosity, service, and many other pertinent topics? This book is a sampler of the teachings of Jesus compiled by topics, with Biblically themed art as a backdrop. We invite you to sit at the Master’s feet and reflect on His words for you.


Pages: 64
Dimensions: 152 x 152 x 8mm

SKU 9781632641274 Categories ,
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